eBash Memorial Day 48 Straight


Summer is almost here, and that means it’s time for the annual Memorial Day 48-Straight at eBash!

This is a special Lock-In event that runs 48 hours straight at your favorite eBash Video Game Center. Don’t worry, you do not HAVE to stay the entire time, and MOST players head home during the first night to sleep and recover for the second night. Players also have the option to buy a 24 hour pass for one day or the other.

Official times are going to be Friday May 23rd at 8 AM until Sunday May 25th at 8 AM.

Costs and Details:

48 Hour Pass VIP – $45
48 Hour Pass Regular – $55
$5 discount for reserving your spot before May 20th with $10 down

48 Hour Pass Includes:

  • 48 Hours of gaming between 8 AM Friday and 8 AM Sunday
  • Pizza and drink both nights
  • Donuts and Milk/Juice both mornings
  • Special Edition 2014 Memorial Day 48 Straight T-shirt

24 Hour Pass VIP – $25
24 Hour Pass Regular – $30

24 Hour Pass Includes:

  • 24 Hours of gaming between 8 AM Friday and 8 AM Saturday
  • OR from 8 AM Saturday until 8 AM Sunday
  • Pizza and drink
  • Donuts and Milk/Juice
  • Special Edition 2014 Memorial Day 48 Straight T-shirt


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