More Bits Before E3


It appears Microsoft isn’t the only big company revealing new game information before E3. Ubisoft announced they will be releasing “Far Cry 4” this November, but their ambitious single/multi-player emergent survival shooting game “The Division” will be pushed back until next year.

Last year at E3, Ubisoft’s main stage presentation featured the best lineup of games, in my opinion, and they are sure to dazzle again this year. Announcing Far Cry 4 NOW, instead of during that show, makes me wonder what other secrets they might reveal? For the past two years, Ubisoft’s E3 presentation followed the same pattern: they showed off title after title, keeping their “best” titles for last, only to surprise the audience with ONE MORE game that shocked and amazed everyone. In 2011, the big shocker was “Watch_Dogs” an ambitious title that was supposed to be released late last year, only to be pushed back until the end of May. In 2012, “Watch_Dogs” was their “best” title saved for last, only to surprise everyone with something called “The Division.”

Far Cry 4’s development hasn’t been kept as a very good secret, so Ubisoft’s “out of the blue” announcement about it’s November release date is intriguing – but I can’t WAIT to see what secret title they reveal in just a few weeks!

Meanwhile, Microsoft keeps making announcements before THEIR big E3 presentation, with promises that their main show will be nothing but games, games, and more games. So, if they are already announcing games, now, how many MORE games will they announce at E3? I can’t wait to find out!

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