Mega Bits


Here are some interesting news bits from Wednesday, April 16th, 2014:

Marty O’Donnell has been fired from Bungie. Marty was the sound director/composer for the Halo franchise, and was working on the sound for Bungie’s newest game, Destiny. He worked for Bungie for 14 years. For the Destiny soundtrack, Marty was even working with the legendary Sir Paul McCartney.

CoDSnoopCall of Duty fans will soon be able to download “voice packs” for $2.99 that will change the in-game announcer’s voice. The first pack features Snoop Dogg. A voice pack featuring R. Lee Ermey is also planned. These voice packs will be available first on Xbox 360 and Xbox One on April 22nd, release dates for other platforms are coming soon.

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