Titanfall Private Matches


Respawn Studios released a really nice feature with their free update yesterday: the capability to set up private matches in Titanfall. Curiously missing since the game launched last month, the new game studio promised they would add it as soon as possible, and now they have.

Titanfall-TitanThe matchmaking menu has changed, with a new option called “Private match (beta)” appearing at the bottom of the list. Respawn Studios explained that the features and options aren’t complete, hence the “beta” sub-title, but it does already allow friends to join matches by themselves. Basic options are available, such as picking specific maps and game modes, but nothing else at this time. It is assumed that additional options will become available eventually.

It was also explained that these private matches will still take place online, on Microsoft’s dedicated servers. System-link or “LAN” matches won’t be available, which means playing private matches at game centers like eBash won’t provide the usual low-latency connection speeds of a LAN match. But, eBash is preparing a series of fun weekly events and tournaments for customers playing Titanfall at their centers. Stand by for Titanfall!

The private match (beta) option became available for Xbox One and PC on 4/10 and for Xbox 360 on 4/11.

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